Monday, March 17, 24 & 31
No Meta Meeting
spring break – META Monday meetings will resume in April 2014
March 24, 2014
Monday, March 3
Meta Meeting
Kat Milligan-Myhre and Clay Small: RAIII research
350 Willamette, 4pm
February 25, 2014
Monday, February 17
Meta Meeting
David Levin and Andy Berglund: Educational goals for math/bio and bioinformatics
350 Willamette, 4pm
February 11, 2014
Monday, January 27
Meta Meeting
Karen Guillemin: META Symposium planning
350 Willamette, 4pm
January 24, 2014
Monday, January 13
Meta Meeting
Andy Berglund and Bill Cresko will lead a discussion on ideas for an undergraduate training program in bioinformatics and how it could interface with the AORTA program
350 Willamette, 4pm
January 6, 2014