University of Oregon


Registration open for the 7th Conference on Beneficial Microbes

7th Conference on Beneficial Microbes

Karen Guillemin and Mark Mandel, co-organizers of the 7th Conference on Beneficial Microbes, are pleased to announce the conference speakers and sessions:
Plenary speakers:
Eran Elinav, Weizmann Institute of Science
Jo Handelsman, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Session chairs and topics:
1. Kathryn Jones, Florida State University: Ecology and Evolution of Microbe-Host Interactions
2. Margaret McFall-Ngai, University of Hawaii: Early Developmental Impact of Microbes
3. Elizabeth Grice, University of Pennsylvania: Host Factors Shaping the Microbiome
4. Emily Balskus, Harvard University: Microbe-Host Interactions at the Molecular Scale
5. Ilana Brito, Cornell University: Social Interactions and Microbial Transmission
6. Robert Britton, Baylor College of Medicine: Engineering Beneficial Microbes
The conference registration is now open and you can submit abstract submissions for oral and poster presentations here: here:


January 12, 2018





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